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Saturday - Product Delivery

OK - time to wrap it up, and hand over a crisply printed workorder to your dazzled customer. Let's take a minute to ensure this final step checks all the boxes!

Estimate 101

Take a minute to discuss with your service team the best practices for giving great estimates. Then, partner up and practice the art of communicating estimates to customers. A few pointers:

  • Explain the value of the estimate buffer to the customer - this will allow us to get your bike back faster!
  • Be crystal clear: now is not the time for vagueness. No "couple bucks", give actual numbers.
  • Don't offer a customer a range - when you say "Your bike will be $30-$50", they hear "$30". Instead, give a single, maximum number. Anything over that, we'll call!
  • If you want to be SUPER clear, offer to text a copy of the workorder to the customer. This creates a paper trail and ensures we can prove the customer DID receive an estimate prior to the work being done. BUT: Texts are NOT an alternative to clearly communicating the estimate in-store, they are an addition to it!

    Finally, check out the Guide Sales for Service...guide for a summary of everything we learned this week. Consider it a framework for organizing your service sales, with plenty of room to add your own voice and personality!