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Thursday - Test Ride

Black is white, up is down, left is right, and the bike shop employee is doing the test ride! Welcome to the nuts and bolts of service check in. Watch the video, then check out the resources below to help hone your bike inspection chops.

Service Test Ride Practice

To begin, take a look at the Service Check-in One Pager. Have a coworker pull a repair that they checked in and WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE TAG perform a repair inspection.

Once you're done, compare your notes with the workorder your coworker wrote for the bike. If there are differences in what you would suggest mechanically, discuss what you found and where your assessments differed. If there are comfort or capability add-ons (lights, mirrors, seats, etc), discuss what questions led to those suggestions during the actual check-in process.

From there, swap roles and repeat the process, bringing other members of the team into the discussion as time allows.